Dear Client:
We are committed to managing the financial affairs of our clients expertly and confidentially, and as such, on an annual basis we provide, or offer to provide, certain information to you about CIM, LLC (d/b/a Curran Wealth Management and d/b/a Curran Investment Management).
1. For our retail “natural person” clients, we are required to communicate any changes to our Form ADV Part 3 Client Relationship Summary (Form CRS). There have been no changes to our Form CRS since our most recent filing dated March 28, 2022. If you would like a copy of our Form CRS, please contact us at 518-391-4200, or by email at The Client Relationship Summary can also be found on our website
2. Regulations require us to annually deliver in full or provide you with a summary of material changes we made to our disclosure Brochure, our Form ADV Part 2A, with an offer to provide the full brochure upon request. Below you will find our material changes made to our Form ADV Part 2A since our most recent amendment. If you would like a full copy of our Form ADV Part 2A, please contact us at 518-391-4200, or by email at The complete Form ADV Part 2 can also be found on our website
3. Lastly, regulations require us to annually deliver in full or provide you with a summary of material changes we made to our Wrap Brochure with an offer to provide the full Wrap Brochure upon request. There have been no material changes made to our Curran Wealth Management Wrap Fee Brochure since the last annual update which most recently occurred on March 28, 2022. If you would like a full copy of our Form ADV Part 2 and Wrap Brochure, please contact us at 518-391-4200, or by email at The complete Form ADV Part 2 including the Wrap Brochure can also be found on our website
Item 2. Material Changes
Annual Update
CIM, LLC (d/b/a Curran Wealth Management and d/b/a Curran Investment Management), is providing this information as part of our annual updating amendment which contains any material changes from our last annual update. This section discusses only material changes since the last annual update which most recently occurred on March 30, 2023.
Material Changes Since the Last Update
The Securities and Exchange Commission adopted amendments to Part 2 of Form ADV effective October 2010. The newly revised Part 2 consists of Part 2A (the "Brochure") and Part 2B (the "Brochure Supplement"). Each update of the Brochure must now include a summary of all material changes since the last annual update.
Item 8: Investment Strategies (Page 14): CIM, LLC adheres to all the composite [investment strategy] construction requirements of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) and presents performance in compliance with SEC Marketing Rule 206(4)-1.
Full Brochure Availability
The Firm Brochure for CIM, LLC is available by contacting
Kevin T. Curran
Co-CEO & Chief Investment Officer
At Curran we value service over sales and believe quality service yields happy clients. Below is our 4-step process (the first three steps at no cost to you).
A short introductory call for us to get to know one other. During this call we will discuss your financial goals, concerns and hopes for the future.
In this meeting we will go over your current financial situation, take a deeper look at your goals, discuss your risk tolerances, and collect the data necessary to build a formal proposal.
Based on our data gathering session, our Private Wealth Managers will present you with a custom proposal tailored to your needs. We encourage individuals to take the time to evaluate this proposal.
If you are comfortable with the proposal and choose to invest with Curran, our team will be there every step of the way assisting in opening the recommended accounts and facilitating all necessary parts of your onboarding process.